Innovative Therapeutic
Devices Addressing
Significant Unmet Needs

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Fibralign wins 2016 BSK biotech startup competition!

Fibralign wins 2016 BSK biotech startup competition!

Wins $30,000 first place prize among >150 amazing startups in CA event held April 7th at Stanford Medical school. Sponsored by BioSciKin, a Chinese biotech venture focused on precision medicine. See full article at Fibralign...

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BioBridge® Collagen Matrix receives 510(k) clearance

BioBridge® Collagen Matrix receives 510(k) clearance

Fibralign's first product, the BioBridge® Collagen Matrix has received 510(k) clearance from the FDA on January 07, 2016 for use in soft tissue support/repair (K151083). Click to view. BioBridge is a sterile thread-like surgical mesh designed for use in surgery to...

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About Us

Fibralign is an award-winning, Stanford-spinout company that produces novel therapeutic biomedical devices that are designed to address major unmet medical needs.

The company has launched its first product, the BioBridge Collagen Matrix, which has received FDA 510(k) clearance for use in soft tissue repair.  The company is currently studying BioBridge for use in treating secondary lymphedema, a global chronic disease that currently has no cure

BioBridge® Collagen Matrix

  • FDA 510(k) cleared device for use in soft tissue repair.
  • BioBridge currently being studied for use in treating secondary lymphedema.
  • FDA 510(k) cleared device*
  • CE mark approved, Class III device
  • Commercially available now in the US and Europe

* BioBridge has not been approved by the FDA for treating secondary lymphedema.

Nanoweave® Technology

Fibralign is developing a pipeline of compelling novel products which are based on its proprietary Nanoweave® scaffolding platform that can be tailored to address a wide range of high-value applications. Nanoweave technology provides the means to precisely print 3D scaffolding in such a way that mimics human tissue nano structure and directly influence the body’s repair function.

Grants, Awards, Partners and Collaborators

Fibralign has been recognized for its vision and potential to impact lives globally. We are supported in our mission by world class partners and collaborators.